



United Kingdom

United States


The actions we take in the presence of Russian aggression against Ukraine

We strongly stand in a support of Ukraine and its people currently under the attack by the Russian military.

Now our main focus is to ensure the safety of our employees and their families in Ukraine by relocating them to the EU where our headquarters are located as well as providing housing arrangement and financial support. Also, we feel obliged to list some important facts about our company and its structure to validate the certainty of our position.

What is Pulsar’s position regarding the Russian military aggression against Ukraine?

Our company supports the Ukrainian people and believes that the military aggression of one state against another sovereign state in the 21st century is unacceptable and illegal. Being a multinational company with enterprises in different countries of the world, including Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia, we know we can solve problems and achieve commong goals together.

By joining various public support initiatives, the company has allocated financial aid of 1.5 million euros, which will be intended for Ukrainian refugees.

The company is indirectly exposed to the Russian aggression - we have businesses and employees in the Ukraine.

Our company has a branch in Ukraine, and its employees are currently in the war zone. We are making every effort to ensure their safety and the safety of their families by relocating them to the EU countries.

Do we deliver products to the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation?

Although Pulsar products are not intended for military use, they are nevertheless supplied on the basis of issued government licenses and permits. Our company has a clear position that its products are not supplied to zones where military conflicts are taking place. And in those countries that, according to local and/or international legislation, are on the sanctions lists. Due to the Russian military aggression against Ukraine, we have stopped deliveries of our products to the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.

Do we deliver products to Ukraine? Is it possible to support Ukraine with thermal imaging devices?

We strictly comply with the EU regulations and applicable laws regarding dual-use devices. We consult with the Governmental authorities, and refrain from further comments on this matter.

What is our position regarding enterprises operating in Russia and Belarus?

All enterprises are exclusively privately owned and have never participated in or worked under Government orders, nor have supplied products for military purposes. Our company takes the principled position that all our products are intended exclusively for peaceful purposes.

We adhere to the position that the shipment of finished products to the Russian Federation and the further production activities of the enterprise in Russia, in the current situation, may lead to the company’s products entering the war zone and unjustified human casualties. To avoid this, a decision was made to suspend the activities of the enterprise in the Russian Federation.

The operations of the enterprise in Belarus are limited. Currently, only parts and components are manufactured there, they are supplied exclusively to Lithuania, Latvia, and the UK. At the same time, the company is increasing its production capacity at other facilities located in the EU and reducing production amounts in Belarus. The launch of new capacities is in the final stage and will allow maintenance of the existing production volume.

In which countries is the production of Pulsar devices currently taking place?

The main production facilities are located in Lithuania, Latvia, and the UK.

How about the enterprise in China?

Our company has only one wholly-owned enterprise in China and is currently assisting with the local component suppliers. Another entity has two shareholders and is not 100% owned by our company. It currently manufactures and supplies components and products to our subsidiaries in Europe.

Is it true that Yukon is a Belarus based company?

Yukon Advanced Optics Worldwide is a multinational company and has a rich history with a large number of offices and enterprises around the world – from Ukraine to the UK. Founded in 1998 by representatives of the United States and Belarus, since 2005, the head office of the company has been located in Vilnius (Lithuania, European Union), that is from where all the group companies are managed.

Most likely, the device you bought will say that it was made in Lithuania, Latvia, or the UK since almost all thermal imaging devices are made in these countries. This is where the main added value is created. The share of components from Belarus is currently less than 7% of the total cost of production. Therefore, the main taxes are paid here in Europe.